Thursday, March 12, 2015


I still get cravings. And no, I'm not pregnant, at least I don't think I am. *insert BUG EYED emoji here* My most recent craving has been bell peppers, which is odd because I've NEVER liked peppers. EVER. I ate an entire green pepper yesterday...plain. Today I ate half of a red pepper dipped in hummus. I don't know who I am anymore!

I also crave projects, as you know. Everywhere I turn, I spy a project I want to do. I blame Pinterest for this overachiever attitude that I've taken on recently. I posted this picture to IG + FB recently. What you're looking at are whitewashed brick walls. (Side note: I could never be a tried and true blogger because I ALWAYS forget to take a "before" picture to compare to my after picture). Nevertheless, I finally tackled this BEAST of a project. I have despised (and that's putting it tenderly) the deep red brick walls in our back room. They make it dark despite all of the windows and they just make it downright u.g.l.y. and hard to decorate. I've known for a while- like since we moved in 4 years ago- that I wanted to change the brick. I contemplated many options: putting up drywall, painting it, or whitewashing it. The cheapest and honestly, the easiest was whitewashing it. There are two full brick walls in that room. The small portion in the picture below took 2 hours and that was even with a nappy roller (every tutorial I read said to use a paintbrush, but I would've been well into next century before finishing had I gone that route).

 Here's almost one entire wall.  This was the first wall I tackled, so I was a little more precise in making sure everything was evenly whitewashed and then my muscles started screaming at me. The second wall (not pictured) still looks about the same as this one, but a little less precise because by the time I was finished I could barely move my arms. I know, I'm out of shape. Don't mention it.

The aftermath of painting both walls was evidenced all over my body. I sent this picture to my husband as proof of my handwork. You can't tell, but there were little specks of paint ALL over my face and in my hair. Not pictured are my arms and feet which were COVERED in paint (and I mean that as literally as possible). The annoying thing about this project was that because you have to mix equal parts water + paint to whitewash the brick, the "paint" ends up splattering and going everywhere. Had it been red paint, it would've looked like a murder scene in there and I would've been charged, fo' sho!

 I feel a huge sense of accomplishment after whitewashing the brick. I dang well should after nearly 4-5 hours. That's a big ole check on the to-do list. Next up is removing the coal-burning stove (pictured above), replacing the gross carpet, and creating functional, yet stylish seating. I'm really, really loving this pallet sectional. I like the idea of using outdoor cushions since it will be a playroom. This seating would not only provide plenty of lounge space, but it would also be easy to clean, anddddddd most importantly, I could make it for pretty cheap. Many stores have piles + piles of pallets out back and a lot of times they'll GIVE them to you. If not, you can always get free pallets on Craigslist. The store "At Home" sells a variety of outdoor cushions in lots of patterns and colors, so that would be my first choice for cushioning the sectional. I would add some fun patterns + punches of color with some throw pillows. I have visions dancing in my head. I don't know colors or patterns yet, but that hamster wheel is definitely turning.  Stay tuned for more on the pallet sectional + whatnot.

 I'm not ashamed to admit that I am drinking a glass of red wine before dinner, with dinner, and after dinner. It's been a long day with this cute little diva who I thought was getting a tooth because for the past week I could see a fairly large white spot on her gums, but it has now magically disappeared! That little booger is playing games with us. Games that are NOT fun for either of us, might I add.

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