Sunday, July 31, 2016

Raise Your Hopes + Lower Your Expectations

Usually I enter into situations with just the opposite of what this title suggests. I go in with high expectations and high hopes, and usually I end up disappointed. Why do we do that? It's like we're setting ourselves up for failure more often than not, whether it be something with our spouses, our children, our families, our jobs, etc. I am suggesting today that we raise our hopes and lower our expectations and here's why...

I got a massage on Thursday for my birthday. Yep, you read that correctly. It was as divine as it sounds. This was not my first go around with massages either. I have had a fair amount, actually. Each one being a little different. I'd have to say that I always have high expectations for these things and I end up just hoping for the best mid-way through. I thought that I would recount my massage from Thursday both for comedic relief to simply to reiterate the importance of having high hopes with low expectations regardless of the situation.

A massage starts before you ever enter the dark little room complete with the ambient music + warm, cozy "bed". Mine started with a deflated office chair in the lobby, actually. Bless. That thing had seen it's day, but it was the only available seat, so in it, I sat. I filled out my paperwork on what I wanted done during the session, plus a bunch of medical questions. All of which, made me think long and hard about my life. You MUST write that you want minimal talking during the massage. This is Rule # 1. I never knew this until this one time I got a male masseuse, which was totally weird and NOT relaxing. Not to mention, he talked like 90% of the time I was under his hands. I made that awkward comment because the whole experience was awkward. I knew about not just his first wife, but also his second and how + why they'd all gone south quick. I was pretty sure I knew why before he really even got to all of the details. Anyway, I digress. I always write MINIMAL TALKING on the "special requests or pertinent information" section of the paperwork. This is Rule # 2. Also, the paperwork asked "What do you hope to achieve from this session today?" I was slightly confused because I just assumed massages are always to induce relaxation. I didn't know what else to write. I thought "calm my fears, make my pimples disappear, or make my legs smoother" were all a bit too hefty for one masseuse, so I just stuck with "relaxation".

I entered the room and was greeted with a cup of water and this sweet lady. Phew, not a man. Oh yeah, always request the gender of choice for your massage. Every since creepy dude, I always request a female. I have found that I don't relax with a man at the wheel, so to speak. That one time, all I could think was "omg, did he just touch my butt?", "whooooa buddy, my leg does NOT go that high". You get the picture. Always request a lady, always. Plus what if you had a hot guy masseuse? Then you'd just feel guilty + self-conscious. Not worth it and not relaxing.

After a brief stay in the deflated chair, I entered the dark room and the masseuse had a very pleasant voice. It was calming and immediately I was at ease. Now, this is where things usually get kinda weird. Naked or no? Underwear or no undies? I usually keep mine on, just because I don't know you like that. So, I hopped up on the table and under the blanket, unsure of where to put my head {on the headrest or straight down on the bed; it's always a dilemma}. She entered again and explained what she was going to do during my session. I got a regular massage with HOT STONES this time, which was new. Highly recommend. She began massaging my shoulders and it got reaaaaaalll quiet besides the ambient music. That's when I felt it...

Not 5 minutes in and my stomach was already making noises. Not like "ohh I think I might growl or gurgle quietly for a second", but like "let me make all those around think I'm coming to destroy them" type sounds. It most likely was from the full cup of water I chugged prior to lying down. Anyway, we laughed about it and she continued. I always have a hard time relaxing for the first few minutes because I'm just constantly stuck in my thoughts of, "I wonder what she's thinking about, like maybe she thinks I smell weird or my skin is rough or my legs are hairy." Always shave your legs prior to the appointment. This is Rule # 3. Then, my thoughts move to "I wonder how many people have laid naked on this exact table", "I wonder what the grossest person she's ever massaged was like", "What do they use to wash these sheets?", "Aren't her hands tired?", or my favorite, "OMG, please don't fart, Chelsea, please don't fart." I mean it's not like you can hide it when there's only two of you in there AND you're under a blanket. HAHA Y'all, I would die. Thankfully, that's never happened. Now, my husband...that's a different story.

So, about 30 minutes into my 60 minute massage, I was finally feeling like I was floating in the clouds. By this time, she had applied the hot stones and at first, I thought she was literally trying to burn my flesh, but then it just melted my stress away like magic. That is until two of the stones that were resting on my thighs fell in-between my legs {yes, right at my crotch} and she had to retrieve them. Oh My Lanta! Normally, I would've been mortified, but I think the massage up to this point had made me care-free because I just laughed and said "You can get 'em. Get in there." Who am I? She probably regretted my being there at this point, despite her little giggle and awkward hand in between my legs.

She told me to flip over, at which point I'm pretty sure there was a nip slip. But, whatevs, I was in the zone and did NOT care. You have to put your face strategically in that donut shaped head rest, which honestly, is not all that comfortable, if you ask me. It took me a good minute to find the exact spot where my eyes weren't smushed, my nose was free for breathing adequately, and my mouth was able to be positioned so that I wasn't drooling all over the floor. The best part after a massage, by the way {aside from the free candy they gave me}, are the lines all over your face from said head rest. It's hilarious.
Me, post-massage
After she finished the massage, I went to sit up and literally couldn't breathe out of my nose because it was so stopped up all of sudden. She said "Oh yeah, that happens". Apparently, I should've known that. So, be prepared for a few minutes of no nose breathing. I put all my clothes back on and slid around in my sandals like I was ice skating. Almond oil covered my skin, so everything was slick as ice. I smelt divine though, which is awesome, because it had been 4 days since I'd washed my hair. ;) Hello, dry shampoo!

All in all, the massage was one for the record books. And if you haven't had one, you need to treat yourself, but remember to obey the rules I gave you {there are only 3!}. It will save you a lot of heartache and embarrassment. Take heed my loves, and tell me your funniest massage story. XO!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

My Why

So, by now you've probably seen my announcement that I'm entering the world of direct sales. Okay, wait don't stop reading, this is probably not going where you think it's going. Hold the phone! Chelsea, why the heck would you even consider entering that world?  Excellent question; one that I was asking myself just a few weeks ago.

Here's the thing, I have never been a big fan of any thing direct sales related...ever. I have multiple friends who sell for various direct sales companies and I honestly find the entire process a bit annoying. There, I said it. I find it annoying. Can you relate? I don't mean that my friends themselves are annoying, just the continuous ads and pictures and videos and pleas to buy. I just don't like being bombarded and I don't like feeling pressured. So again, you're probably still asking, "Chelsea, WHY then?"

You want to know why I've decided to jump on board with Younique? Well, honestly it's kind of a God thing. No! It's definitely a God thing. It's a God thing for many, many reasons, which I'll get to shortly, but it's also a God-thing because, y'all I'm still not a fan of direct sales even though I'm entering into that world. That doesn't even make sense, I know. It probably seems bit random to most of you, but please allow me to share this entire GOD THING because it's pretty cool in my opinion, and I think you'll tend to agree.

Let me begin by rewinding about 3 years. I started blogging and sharing our home updates with family and friends. It was nothing major + VERY low maintenance. Then, I encountered some site host problems and quit blogging for a while. Then, after Emerson was born + I "retired" from teaching {at least for now}, and I needed an outlet. I was suffering from some PPD and I was discontent. Enter my current blog, A Little Thrifty Chic. I started up again with a new site host + just took it slow. I wrote about motherhood, marriage, and everything in between, including some home decor projects + some very real struggles I had encountered as a new mom. Then, several months ago, I made the decision to take it all public. Like PUBLIC PUBLIC. I opened up our lives for everyone on Instagram + Facebook. SCARY!!!! It was a very bold move on my part, but I loved blogging and encouraging other people through the use of my experiences. I have received tremendous, tremendous feedback in the past 6 months and I am beyond grateful for everyone that shares in this world with me. It has truly become another little babe for me, except way less cute + cuddly {no offense to y'all}. Hey, at least this blog doesn't tell me "No, mommy". 

Anyway, let me back up just a smidgen again. Back in March or so, one of my Facebook friends, and a blog reader messaged me on Facebook. She actually went to college with my husband + they were in choir together, so she wasn't a complete random stranger. Anyway, she asked me if I'd ever heard of Younique and if I'd like to try some of their products. Specifically, she wanted me to try their 3D Fiber Lash Mascara + possibly share a review with my blog and IG readers. I loved the idea of trying out a new mascara because I'm always interested in trying out new makeup. {Makeup is a major hobby of mine when I'm not busy momming, blogging, decorating, or thrifting}. Unfortunately, at the time, doing a makeup review on my blog just didn't seem to fit with my content. I politely turned her down and she totally understood. She, being the super sweetheart that she is, said she wanted to send me a mascara anyway just because she loved my heart and my blog so much *a resounding "awwww"* and she thought I deserved it. Not another word was said about it and I had never encountered another Younique presenter until I found one on Instagram about a month later.

This particular presenter is named Allie. I took a free makeup class on Facebook through her Younique group and it was amazing. I learned so many fun makeup tips and tricks. We even discussed my possibly ordering the makeup. The girl was talented and I was hooked. She was so helpful, but it just wasn't in the budget and I knew it. I couldn't support her business at the time because I just couldn't afford it right then. Fast forward a month or two and now we're in July 2016. Allie randomly sent me a message on IG about Younique. We talked for like an hour about the possibility of my joining her team of presenters and what it could mean for our family. You get the idea.

Well, not a day later, Lindsay and I were in communication again. Coincidence? I think not. One thing led to another and I just knew that God was calling me to this company. There had been too many signals for me to ignore. There were no persuasive arguments from either girl. No begging me to join. No begging me to buy anything. Just honest, real conversations about life and goals. I knew that I was being torn in two directions. On the one hand, Allie is extremely successful with the company and is such a sweet, sweet woman. We share a lot of similarities in our lives. Then, Lindsay is also extremely successful and is a newer presenter in the company {when compared to Allie}. Lindsay and I just really clicked + I immediately just felt an instant bond with her. I felt like I'd known her my entire life. We talked for days! I prayed hard for days and days. I really didn't want to jump into anything {especially direct sales} without a clear peace about it. There were little signs everywhere I turned and I just KNEW that God was telling me to TRUST HIM and take a leap of faith. I am NOT a risk taker, so I knew that doing this was going to be a true test of my faith. I was scared.

You've probably determined that I decided to take on Lindsay as my sponsor, meaning she's my go-to gal. My teammate. My encourager. My teacher. My friend. I told her that I wanted in and that I was scared to death. I was scared of what other people were going to think about me. I was scared of failing. I was scared of being completely clueless when it comes to business. I had {have} lots of fears. When I look back at the entire journey of my blog and how it's come this far, I can't help but think that God was strategically planning my future. He knew all along that this opportunity would present itself. He knew that I would border trusting in ME or trusting in HIM. He knew that I would need a network of people online in order to be successful. He knew that I would need loving, encouraging, supportive friends and family to make this business a reality. I'm honestly just in awe of how He has orchestrated this entire thing. This is how I KNOW that Jeremiah 29:11 is absolutely truth. "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, to give you a hope and a future."

Let me reiterate: I AM SCARED and I HAVE LOTS OF FEARS in starting this business. Those have not magically disappeared just because I feel like I've followed God's lead. I kind of feel like I'm walking off a cliff, actually, but I'm also confident that He is able to do more than I can hope or imagine. I posted my very first video this morning announcing this endeavor and I had major anxiety immediately after I posted it. I have already had many people "unfollow" me on Instagram, I imagine because they fear what I fear....annoyance. But, on the other hand, I have had so many people wish me the best in this new adventure, and others who have expressed interest in the makeup + others yet, who have already joined my Facebook group to be a part of my launch on August 2nd, which obviously I would love for EVERYONE to join, but I get it. It's not for everyone, so NO PRESSURE!!! :)

I'm writing this tonight, not as a ploy to make you suddenly interested in this makeup. I'm not trying to recruit you. I'm not trying to make you think anything of me, good or bad. I am simply writing to share with you my WHY for doing this. I am doing this because I feel like I am being called to this, truly. I never in a million years saw this for myself. I am doing this because I want to contribute financially to our family again. I want to do this because I love makeup and I love encouraging others, and those two together is like two of my worlds colliding in a powerful way. I am doing this for many reasons, which I don't expect everyone to understand. I am doing this to conquer fears that have lived inside of me for a long time. I am doing this because on January 1st of this year I made a resolution + a promise to myself that I would say YES to things that make me uncomfortable, within this year specifically. God has certainly challenged me on that. I have already conquered one of those resolutions in the form of regular, consistent exercise + nutrition. Now, I have to prepare myself to conquer this one. This fear of rejection. This fear of failure even though I know I have what it takes to be successful.

So, I ask that you please support me. Don't leave me in the dust because you think I'm suddenly going to hunt you down and follow you begging you to buy from me, watch me, like me. I NEVER want to be that person. I'm going to continue being Chelsea. I'm going to continue blogging with my usual content. You may see a couple extra selfies here and there on your news feed, but honestly, I just want to share some things I love with you, in hopes that maybe you'll love them just as much. I am just anxiously awaiting what the Lord will do. I know His plans are far greater than mine and that makes me so hopeful.  Thank you guys again for constantly supporting and encouraging me. You will never know how truly thankful I am for you all. XO!

If you are interested in joining my launch party group, click here! :)

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Relating Through Weakness

Today started out like any other. We were preparing to go to church, which is a process in and off itself, especially with a child {or children} in tow. Y'all feel me on that? Thankfully though, my husband was home this morning and able to occupy Emerson, allowing me to get myself ready without much distraction. We managed to get out the door, slightly late but that's not unusual. I literally am never on time. I try SO hard, but I fail nearly every outing. We were getting in the car and everyone was happy, then the next thing I knew the tears were flowing. Not from Emerson, not from Trey, but from me. C'mon, Chelsea pull it together. My husband and I argued over something so minor the entire way to church, to the point that Emerson started yelling in the backseat {in hindsight, it was probably her way of trying to get her two cents in as a reminder that she was back there}.  We got to church and I refused to go inside because by this point my makeup was running and it was obvious I'd been crying. Trey took Emerson inside and I drove around listening to praise and worship music, partly because that calms me + brings me peace, and also because I felt guilty for not going into church. Should I have gone in? Probably, yes. Should we have parted ways right there in the parking lot AT CHURCH? Maybe not. But you know what? We're human. I'm human. We have a great life and we are generally pretty happy go lucky, but sometimes, well sometimes, life gets the best of us. Our pride and selfishness get in the way. We argue. We fight. We disagree. We cry. We walk away {not very far} sometimes. Then, eventually we apologize. We pray. We realize the magnitude of our actions {whether great or small} and we reprioritize accordingly. Why am I telling you this? Chelsea, that's pretty personal, don't you think?

The answer to both questions is this: yes, it is personal and I'm telling you because that's just me. What you see is what you get. I like to be raw, honest, real. I stumbled upon a quote recently that read,

"People relate more to other people in their weaknesses, 
not in their strengths." 

That really hit home with me because while I love capturing and sharing all of the goodness and hilarity that accompanies parenthood, our marriage, home, family, etc, I also love the freedom and vulnerability that comes with being brutality honest and real with others. From the beginning, I've always been honest about our marriage and the struggles that lie within. I've been honest about my battles with my postpartum depression and the effects it had on every aspect of my life. You know, maybe more than you care to, about how motherhood has changed me both for good and for bad. You've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. I like that though. It brings me great joy to share in life's journey with you for better or for worse. Granted, we aren't married or anything, but heck, we all are doing life together and if you ask me, life can sometimes be a whole lot harder than marriage. Sometimes. ;)

All of that to say, that just because our morning wasn't something I'm proud of or willing to repeat, it doesn't mean that our entire day was ruined. Sometimes God uses something upsetting to open your eyes to what's right in front of you. Sometimes God works in mysterious ways. We managed to spend the afternoon with my parents enjoying a good meal, some outdoor time {even though it's literally hotter than hell outside, I'm pretty sure}, and we even managed to get some good mommy and me pictures of Emerson and I. As I was scrolling back through the pictures earlier this afternoon, it just reminded me of the importance of saying I'm sorry and not holding a grudge; of forgiving and yes, often forgetting. It brought to the forefront of my mind the grace that God extends and the grace that I'm called to extend to my husband and my daughter daily. In those moments this afternoon, while chasing Emerson around the yard, getting the dog out of every shot, and battling the extreme heat, I realized that my husband and my daughter are my world, and that I have a choice in not letting our bad experiences ruin all of the good ones. Because at the end of the day, today was a good one and I will always remember the memories we made in this field of green.

And because I cannot keep these to myself, I wanted to share some of the shots that my husband, Trey was able to capture this afternoon of our daughter Emerson and I in our matching LulaRoe Nicole and Dot Dot Smile dresses. Also, beneath these photos, you'll find an exclusive deal for my readers! You don't want to miss out!

 They are a soft yellow with a blue, green + pink floral print. They are incredibly comfortable and flowy. I actually really love the twirly-ness {you like that word?} of them, and so did Emerson. These dresses were so graciously provided to us by my friend Rachel, who is a former co-worker of mine and a fellow mama. She is one of the strongest women I know and her devotion and passion to achieve her goals is unreal! She is hosting a LLR party tomorrow night {Monday, 7/25} on Facebook and she's offering 15% off using the code ThriftyChic15 to anyone reading right now! These particular dresses come in many sizes, colors, and patterns. If you're a girl mama, you do NOT want to miss out on this opportunity. I mean, let's be real, they're only going to let us dress like them for so long. Am I right? Take advantage! Click HERE to visit Rachele's party page.

I hope you've had an enjoyable weekend and that it has given you much needed rest to tackle the coming week. XO!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Wine with Me

Hey friends! It's been a hot minute and for that I apologize. We've had a lot going on. If you follow me on Instagram, you already know all about it, so I'll spare you the details. Regardless, I'm here tonight to hopefully make you laugh + cheers to children's bedtimes across the land.

Toddlers! Two year olds to be more specific. They're little jerks. They are awesome one minute + a HOT MESS of annoyance the next. God bless 'em. Let's see, where should I begin? My daughter, Emerson will be two at the end of August and she is hell on freaking wheels lately {the good Lord decided to send the terrible two's a little early, I'm assuming. I'll be sure to thank Him for that when I reach the pearly gates}. You've probably heard me mention before how well she talks for her age, and I say that not in a "my kid is so awesome" way, but a "hey, it's not always all it's cracked up to be" way. Most people tell me how fabulous it is that she's talks so well, and while I do agree, it has also made this phase of life extremely trying. The girl knows too many words for her own good. She can be hilarious and darling. She is gorgeous and random and she adores babies and puppies. Don't try to take hers though because she'll scream "myyyyyy'ssss" at you until she's blue in the face. Yes, "MY's", not mine. Hey, at least she's not saying "mines". {I used to tell my students that mines were underground, so I claimed to never know what they were referring to when they said "mines is blue" or whatever the case may have been.} Anyway, I digress. You'll learn in a minute that I'm fueled up on a glass of wine and very little dinner already, so bear with me.

Emerson hasn't been napping too great this week. We think she's getting another molar. Those stupid, stupid, stupid molars. Sure, other teeth cause problems, but the molars, man. If they weren't essential, I'd rip out every last one. So, she woke up from her nap today {but really for the past 3 days} crying pretty hard. Usually, she's happy go lucky after a nap. I should've anticipated the fury that consumed her from thence forth. The hours of 3:15-7:30pm today were nothing short of exhausting, infuriating, and at some points hilarious. Am I the only one that has a hard time keeping a straight face during a ridiculously overdramatic toddler tantrum? I absolutely cannot handle the drama. It's almost better than the Bachelorette cliff hanger from this week. Ugh. #TeamLuke

First, it was that she didn't want me to change her sopping wet, nearly dragging the floor diaper after her nap. Then, it was the fact that her cup only had a 1/4 cup of milk and not a full cup. Then, I'm pretty sure I repeated the phrase "Emerson, throw it one more time and you'll get a spanking". I gave a good many spankings today. I usually don't issue them very often, at all. Please don't sanctimony me on that either; we believe in spanking for deliberate disobedience. Anyway, she literally threw two ENTIRE dog bowls full of food all over my kitchen after having been told {and spanked} for doing it before. Then, she got mad because I wouldn't sit beside her WHILE I was cooking HER dinner. Then, it was that she wanted more broccoli because the entire cup she had wasn't enough apparently. So, being the awesome mom I am, I made her more broccoli {which I didn't realize wasn't the steam-in-the-bag kind-CURSE YOU FROZEN FOODS THAT REQUIRE EXTRA SUPPLIES}, only to have it thrown on the floor and have her demand grapes instead. I mean they are both green, so maybe she was confused. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt because quite frankly I have no energy left for much else. As you'll see below, my dinner was essentially grapes too...just smushed and fermented. Ha!

After her "dinner", which consisted of like 1 bite of chicken, 4 grapes, and a couple florets of broccoli, it was nearly bath time. Praise the GOOD LORD. Though, now she didn't want me to take off her diaper. Ohhhhhhh, the irony of the toddler brain. Finally, I turned a chase around the house into a tickle fest that eventually ended with a naked child. Bath time was successful, but fear not, it was short lived. She ran to her room soaking wet after I took her out, and grabbed her Elsa doll {the one with wayyy too much hair for a doll} and dunked her in the tub only then to sling her around the bathroom sending bath water in all directions. Y'all, I can't make this up.

Finally, Elsa had to "finish her bath" and Emerson "brushed her teeth". Brushing teeth these days basically means turning the faucet on fifty-eleven times so that she can get her toothbrush wet, and "spit". I do love when she spits, except for the fact that she's so small that she has never actually reached the sink in her line of fire. More mess for mom, YAY! Surprisingly, pajamas and bedtime went smoothly. I think ole girl exhausted herself today. I know she just about killed me. I'm on glass number 2 of wine. Don't know you've been there. So, how was your day?

Friday, July 1, 2016

DIY Felt Board for Kids

This is a quick post detailing how I created a felt board for our {almost} 2 year old daughter. It's actually really easy and MUCH cheaper than those sold in stores. The hardest part was the tedious cutting out of letters for the felt alphabet. Totally worth it, though! Anyway, below you'll find how I created this DIY felt board in less than 15 minutes and for under $10! The possibilities are endless.

* already owned this material

20 x 30 Elmers Foam Board $1.77 {Walmart}
White felt backdrop {$3.97/yd Walmart}
12 pack of multi-color felt sheets {$1.77 Walmart}
Staple gun + staples*

How to:

First, lay out your piece of felt {I bought 1 yard, but only needed 1/2 yard} and lay the foam board centered on it. Leave a few inches on each side as spare.


Second, one side at a time, pull the felt fabric tightly to the back of the foam board and staple it until it's secure from top to bottom. Do this all the way around the board until you have a blank felt board like the one seen below.

Third, freehand or print out shapes, animals, automobiles, letters, numbers, etc using the colorful felt pieces. I intend to create more, but for now, I did fruit, a school bus, shapes, a sun, colorful circles {balloons}, and each letter of the alphabet. I did use stencils to trace the letters onto the felt before cutting them out. I do recommend using very sharp scissors for cutting the felt. I do know that there are printable online of animals and other such things that you can trace onto the felt should you not feel comfortable free handing it.

Finally, stick your felt pieces to your board and either hang it {3M strips} or keep it stored under the couch, bed, or some other inconspicuous spot when not in use. I intend to keep Emerson's on the wall there right outside of her room. A couple of 3M VELCRO strips hold it up nicely {I recommend the velcro kind so that you can take it off and on as needed}.

Another quick little DIY for little artists: 
DIY craft paper holder
I used 2 tension rods {28-48in} to create this craft paper holder. I put the curtain rod seen in the top picture in between two bookcases and it holds the craft paper roll itself. Then, I attached another rod underneath her IKEA table. It rests between two of the table legs and I just fed the paper between the tension rod and the table to keep it tightly on the table. It works beautifully! Now she can create beautiful pieces of art without me having to reach for new paper every 10 minutes and/or without the paper shifting all around the table!

* The table is an IKEA Lack coffee table that I just painted with chalkboard paint on top. I ordered two children's chairs from IKEA for $12 each. This is her craft table.