Saturday, March 28, 2015

Cheater, Cheater Icecream Eater

Remember that time I decided to begin "clean eating"? I'm now asking myself where that drive and motivation went. For a while I was doing really, really well with it. Get this: I even started working out. Then, this past week happened. Cold weather set in again, I avoided the grocery store like the plague (to stock up on healthy options), and here I am back in a funk. I haven't worked out except once this week (normally I do 4 days), I've been eating like crap, and I have had very little energy + have been just 'blah'. I'm actually mad at myself for giving in (not giving 'up') to laziness in all of the aforementioned areas. I type this as I'm currently sitting here eating a Chick-fil-a asian salad because that was the "healthy" option. Pshhh, who am I kidding...the ingredient list on the back of the dressing packet is like a paragraph in length. This salad really isn't that healthy. Also, I got a small fry. I'm not fooling anyone.

I blame the weather. It snowed here today for crying out loud. Yeah, that's it; the cold weather is to blame for my cheater attitude. Anyway, I'm getting back into my routine starting Monday. Someone call me to make sure I do, for I can't be trusted. I'm kidding. I'm very strong willed and when I put my mind to something, I accomplish it, but for some reason, food + exercise seem to get me every time. Since I'm starting back at it on Monday, that means I have one more "cheat day", as they say.  (I think it's actually supposed to be a "cheat meal", but for me, it's been a whole week of cheating). Oy vey.

Y'all, I long for warm temperatures, fresh fruits + veggies, flip flops, the beach, and loads of sunshine. I cannot wait for those things! In addition to the fact that all of those things make me infinitely happier than anything you could imagine during the winter, I'm very excited that this will be Emerson's first summer with us (in the flesh, I mean). Also, this summer I won't be a beached whale + I can once again consume alcoholic beverages on the beach (or at all). Ahhhh yes, I can hear the ocean waves + feel the warm breeze already. Emerson has 5, yes five, swimsuits prepared for her summer debut. I also bought her a little navy + white stripped coverup because it was $1. I am DYING to see her little chub legs in those suits. Honestly, it's her cheeks that will get all the attention, no surprise there, even though the swimsuits are just darling. I can't wait to see her reaction to feeling the ocean + the sand for the first time. I anticipate her first experience in the pool will be that of pure bliss (seeing as how she would live in the bath tub if we'd let her) and by summertime, she'll be eating real "solid" food, not this puree mess. Side note: this girl is CHOWING DOWN on some food, y'all. I think the doctor will be impressed in 6 weeks. She already looks + feels heavier. I have muscle definition in my arms just from carrying the car seat. I retract my earlier confession of not working out, I HAVE BEEN WORKING OUT! You try lifting a carseat up/down/in/out/over/under a couple times a day and try telling me it isn't a workout. All my mama friends, can I get an 'AMEN'!

So friends, warm weather is coming, as are fresh foods, and plenty o' sunshine! That calls for a celebration with my most favorite food of summer... icecream.

Don't worry, it's from Skinny Cow...that means it makes me skinny, right? Or maybe it's more of the cow. Whatever, I'm doin' it.

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