Friday, February 5, 2016

Watch and See

As I sit here staring at my computer screen, my fingers literally can't keep up with the speed at which my brain is moving. I have SO much to tell you guys, but so little arm strength currently. Why? Well, I worked out my arms + shoulders today...H A R D, and I'm incredibly sore already. Tomorrow isn't looking promising. Additionally, I told my husband that I'm officially becoming a "gym rat" {ha ha ha ha, I literally can't say or read that without laughing hysterically} because I have callouses on BOTH of my hands from lifting weights! I never thought I'd see the day. Okay, enough gym talk though because honestly I'm NOT a gym rat by any means AT ALL, and that's not why I'm writing today.

So you want to know what's racking my brain? This blog. My Instagram. Giveaways. Blog collaborations. DIY projects. Business opportunities within each of those things. You guys! God is doing big things right now for my creative side. He is opening doors that I didn't even know existed. 

Let me back up and explain how all of this came to be.

Most of you know that prior to Emerson's arrival on the scene, I was a 3rd grade public school teacher. I loved it, but there were many signs it was time for me to go a different route, and it just so happened that I got pregnant and that was the ULTIMATE sign. After having Emerson at the end of the summer 2014, I lost myself. I went into a deep spiral of emotion and negativity that I was unfamiliar with up until that point. As a fresh mama dealing with some serious postpartum depression, I was desperate for an outlet. I wasn't asking God for help, certainly not as much as I should've been, but God literally threw an "outlet" {in the form of a job opportunity} in my lap. It could not have come at a better time, honestly. I had Emerson in August 2014 and started this job in November 2014. I worked for a non-profit organization for a little over a year as a site coordinator and lead tutor in an elementary school. It was right up my alley, until I suddenly lost my passion for it. I can't really explain what flipped the switch, but I just knew that I wasn't the person for the job anymore. I made a rather rash decision to quit early last month before the spring semester really kicked off with the public schools, and after much discussion and prayer, I decided leaving the position was the right thing to do. My boss was very understanding and I felt at peace about it. 

>> Fast forward about a week >> 

With all this new found "extra" time, I began doing some more DIY/decor stuff around the house. I also started blogging a bit more {mind you, I still have a toddler with me all day, so most of this happens during her nap or after she goes to bed at night}. It ignited a fire in me that's been missing for a long time. I started getting major responses to my blog all of a sudden, and the recent projects that I've posted to IG were {SOMEHOW} gaining popularity/views, so I decided to research how I could gain more of a following to perhaps turn this passion for writing and decorating into a "job" of sorts. I read articles and blog posts and statistics about building your blog, how to write a good "about me" page to draw people in, what hashtags to use to bring in likeminded people, and how to capture an audience. Though, my focus wasn't really on what to write about, so much as it was how to get it out there to those people that would enjoy it's content. I contacted other bloggers, other moms {both friends + complete strangers on social media}, and I began asking questions about how they got started and how they continue to build their community of followers.

I stepped outside of my comfort zone on SO many levels. Sure, I love to talk, but I'm not one to ask strangers for their opinion. But, one of my goals for this year {ironically} has been to say "YES" more to things or situations that would normally make me uncomfortable. One of those has been to consistently exercise, and another has been to expand this blog {by means of my Instagram account mostly}. I'm a pretty private person, outside of this blog, but for some reason this blog is SUCH an outlet for me. It allows me to encourage others {hopefully}, while also build relationships and share my heart. I have built a following here and on Instagram, especially over the past month, and it just brings joy to my heart to know that people care enough about what I'm saying/showing them to keep coming back time and time again.

All that being said, within the past week alone, you've probably noticed that I've been very active on Instagram with posting my house projects and whatnot. This is due partly to the fact that I'm proud of them + how they turned out {and I hope to inspire others to do things to their homes that make them love being there}, but also because I love sharing in the community that enjoys projects and mommy-dom as much as I do. I say this next part not to brag or put myself on a pedestal, so please don't misread this, but I have gained 100 followers in one week! You guys, that's crazy to me!! Maybe it's not a big deal to most, but to me, it's a r e a l l y big deal. This week alone, I have been asked to host a giveaway {which helps to get your name out there to others in the community who love the things that you love}, to be featured on 2 other blogs by bloggers MUCH more popular than myself, AND I've received the most loving and encouraging comments on things that I've done, made, or written. I've been asked by 2 different people to create things for them based on something I created for our home. From the bottom of my heart, I am so grateful. Words of encouragement is definitely a love language of mine, so your words mean MORE THAN YOU KNOW. 

I am convinced that God is opening doors for me through this blog and through my Instagram account. I don't know if it will turn into a business venture or remain strictly a hobby, but one thing I do know for sure {and I realize that it sounds slightly ridiculous to say this} is that my "platform" {for lack of a better term} here with this blog + on my IG account, is confirming in my heart that God knows me far better than I know myself. And that His plans are greater than mine.  I believe that He knows my heart and my deepest desires. He knows how much I long to create and inspire others through doing what I love, writing and DIY'ing. I know that He has closed several doors in the past to open one that's far greater. I don't know what the future holds for me in regards to all that I've mentioned here today, but I'm so hopeful and excited to see how God uses me and this platform to further His work and His name. I know he'll keep me humble through it too. He's good at that!

Ps. In case you missed it and/or you don't follow me on Instagram {I forgive you, but seriously, go now}, here's a a DIY that I did yesterday for our mudroom. I posted about how I was planning to hang a sign over our mudroom door. It's a super quick DIY wooden sign that I created freehand using a ruler + a black SHARPIE. :) I love how it turned out, especially for it being my first one {the "O" was a little bigger than I'd planned, but OH well. ha!!}. I surprised myself with this one, honestly.

Thank you again for all of the love and all of the encouragement as I continue this journey, that's still somewhat unfamiliar territory to me. I am eagerly learning and waiting for what God is going to do. If you're a faithful follower and/or you've ever sent me love in the form of a text, email, call, message, comment, or any other form, T H A N K Y O U! You will never know how much I appreciate it. Stay with me and let's see where He takes it...


  1. Congrats! So many awesome things coming your way! I love following your IG, you have such an eye for style! Keep up the great work xx

    1. Thank you so much, Amanda! I really appreciate the kind words. :)
