Prior to joining this group, Trey and I discussed some ways that I could potentially cut out some carbs/unnecessary foods. After brainstorming for a while, he suggested I try to do one meal a day low carb/carb-free. I LOVE LOVE LOVE breads. It's seriously a pitfall. So, we decided I would try to do it every day at lunch. I started on Sunday. I ate grilled tilapia, peas, and quinoa as opposed to a sandwich with some chips or fruit. Yesterday for lunch, I wanted tuna fish sandwich, but the bread was a no-go, so I found this recipe for "Tuna Kale Salad". Sounds kind of gross, but tasted so delicious! You can find the recipe here.
I started the breakfast portion of the clean-eating menu this morning. It was "Strawberry Shortcake Oats" and it was freaking amazing. Seriously, I totally recommend it. It was like dessert for breakfast, kind of.
Smash up 1/2 cup of strawberries in a bowl, then add an additional 1/4 cup sliced strawberries, 1/3 cup unsweetened almond milk (which I've been drinking ever since having Em and can't tell a difference, but it's SO much healthier), 1/4 cup nonfat greek yogurt (I used vanilla), 1/3 cup of quick oats, honey (or stevia) to taste (about 1 tsp.), and a pinch of sea salt. The recipe called for it to sit overnight, but I ate it right after making it and it was SO yum.
Aside from all these challenges, I've been thinking a lot about life in general, primarily as it relates to my daughter. She turned 5 months old yesterday. F I V E!!! When did that happen? How did that happen? Where is the time going? I actually cried yesterday thinking about how quickly she's growing up. I feel like I've been robbed though. Because I was depressed for a good 2 months at the start of her life, I don't remember much about her first 2 months of life, aside from the fact that she (and I) cried A LOT. She's a different baby now and I'm a different mom (thank God!), but it makes me sad. I'm actually frustrated because I feel like hormones and those horrible emotions robbed me of joy. They robbed me of enjoying my daughter when she was so new to the world. They robbed me of bonding time with her, but most importantly, they robbed me of time; time that I'll never, ever get back. That's a harsh reality. I realize there's not a whole lot I could've done to avoid the emotions I had back then, but it's still hard to think about it now. She is getting to a stage where she doesn't want to just lie in mommy's arms anymore, she wants to play and be active. Don't get me wrong, it's SO fun right now because she is engaging so much with the world around her, but at the same time, it's a little heart-breaking because I already feel like I've lost that "little baby" and it was in the blink of an eye. I know these are normal feelings and that they're only going to intensify the older she gets, but good grief. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be Emerson's mom. I love her more and more with each passing day. I miss her when she's sleeping. I stare at her on the monitor just to feel close to her. I truly, truly, truly have learned the importance of cherishing each and every day that I have with her because these days are fleeting all too quickly. I want to make the most of these "baby days" because they'll be just a memory before I know it and I want to have LOTS of memories to cherish. These five months have no doubt been the MOST challenging, most rewarding, most memorable of my entire life. I am a mommy and I finally feel like I understand what that means. It's a good feeling and I never want to lose it.
Enjoy the snow VA friends and keep warm!