I'm a blogger failure. I get really into it for about a month and then fade off. Then an idea comes to mind that I'd like to write about, but reality is that I don't always have/make the time to write it down on paper (or realistically, type it out on the computer). I think that's okay though. I used to follow blogs that would post anywhere from once daily to 3-4 times a day and that's just overkill. Ain't nobody got time for that.
I'm here today to say that I'm making progress on my fitness goals. If you follow me on IG or FB, you know that I started the Beach Body 21 Day Fix program 14 days ago and I am already seeing results. I haven't lost much weight, but I have lost close to 5 inches total so far (just from hips + thighs). I have been struggling because when I step on the scale, I don't see a decrease (well, not much of one anyway) and that is discouraging. But, my husband being the fitness extraordinaire that he is, reminded me that muscle weighs more than fat, so even though I'm not losing weight, that doesn't mean the program isn't working. *Sigh* Ahhh...thanks for the encouragement Hubs. I'm not here today to boast about my progress or anything, I simply want to state some of the other benefits I've seen from doing this program so far. This program includes a 30 minute daily workout and a nutrition plan that portions out your daily caloric intake to help you get the necessary nutrients your body needs, while helping you see the results you desire. It doesn't require me to give up foods I like necessarily, but it does limit the quantity of servings of each food group (carbs, protein, healthy fats, etc). My only cheat on a daily basis is my cup of ice-cream at night while I relax on the couch). Ain't nobody or no thang taking that away from me. Sorry, not sorry. I have even limited the amount of wine I drink on a weekly basis...the struggle is so very real, y'all. The stressed teacher and mother in me is screaming MORE WINE, NOW!
Reasons why I'm loving the 21 Day Fix:
1. It gets my day started. I wake up, change/nurse/read with Emerson, then I feed Emerson again (actual food this time), then I make myself something to eat + I workout. I try to workout either before or during Emerson's first nap of the day. If I don't do it first thing in the morning, it (for some reason) doesn't get done-I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that it has to do with my tiny human. Something about working out and sweating makes me feel more productive the remainder of the day. I don't get it, but it does.
2. I feel hotter, sexier, prettier....choose whichever adjective you'd like. No doubt that working out on a daily basis has boosted my self-confidence. Even though I can't see a drastic change in my body quite yet, I FEEL better, which in turn, makes me more confident. I can't explain it, it's just how it is. You ladies have been there: you can have all the makeup in the world, have the fittest body, cute clothes, etc, but unless you FEEL good about yourself, it's all moot. Am I right? Working out and eating (more) healthy does this for me.
3. I'm nicer. I don't know if it's the release of endorphones or what, but I am in a MUCH better mood after I've had a workout. It's probably directly linked to number 2 above. :)
4. It makes my husband proud. As I mentioned, he is a fitness freak. Okay, that's a lie. He's not a freak, he just likes working out and eating right. He's always (nicely) trying to remind me to be active for MY health, not for his sake. When I was pregnant, I was very health conscious and I was very active. He was very proud of me, I could just tell. He never had to say it. It was written all over his face and it was obvious that he was proud of me. I like making him proud because it turn, it makes me feel good. Again, back to number 2 above. I see a pattern here. I want him to be proud of me and I want to be HOT for him. Let's be honest, mom or not, our bodies change over time, so if I want to look good and feel good, I've got to put in the time. No more *wishing* that hot bod into existence.
5. I want to prove people wrong. I won't name names, but people have made comments about my weight post-baby. I'm not mad at them because I HAVE gained weight. Though I'd like to say it doesn't get to me, it really does. I know none of the comments have been mean-spirited, but the fact that people have noticed that I've packed on pounds doesn't exactly make me FEEL good. Oh, there it is again...back to number 2. I want to stick with this program for a LONG time because I want to prove to myself and to others that, even after gaining 30 pounds and nursing a baby for 11 months now, I can get my body back...and in better condition than it was when I left it.
I just know that when it comes down to it...I gotta start somewhere, and this seemed like a great place to start. So, here's to feeling better and looking good! How are you keeping yourself feeling good?