Let's take a poll. How many of you succumb to taking those ridiculously titled Facebook quizzes like "How many kids will you have?" or "What is your best character trait?" I know I take them out of boredom usually and then I end up analyzing the results like I've been to a professional or something. Well, I succumbed (which sounds weird, like it should read 'succame' instead) yet again, but this time it was "What Kind of Parent Are You?" DUN DUN DUN! My results are in. I shouldn't place any stock in the results, except that they're unbelievably on point, for the most part anyway. I really HATE when that happens. I'd much rather it be WAY the heck off and tell me zero about myself. Those are much easier to deal with. This one though-YIKES. My results are below and they're pretty spot on. How does it do it???
I love that it *thinks* I succeed at all 10 things I "pull forward at once" and I certainly tend to *think* I can "do it ALL, no but really", but that's not accurate. I definitely can't do everything no matter how hard I may try. I also love that it says I'm admired for my "funny wit" and "go-get-'em attitude". I think I'm pretty funny most days + I definitely see myself as a go-getter, but maybe my friends + everyone else disagrees...?
On the downside, the "cons" were pretty dang accurate too, especially the "sometimes bossy" and the entire section with a red box around it.My husband and family members will laugh upon reading this part because they KNOW it's (unfortunately) true. We have a saying in my family that originated with my brother when he was just a little guy. It came to be because apparently I would tell him what to do a lot (GASP, I know) and he used to reply with, "Chelsea, you're not the boss of me!" LOL! I have no doubts that the "bossy" part is absolutely on point. I'm working on it, okay! I dislike the part about being loud + seen as cocky or arrogant. Though, I don't particularly care if I'm loud, to be really honest, but I really hope the cocky + arrogant part is not true!! I would hate for people to perceive me that way, because I definitely don't feel like I am, nor do I intentionally try to be that way. Y'all weigh in...
Do these results seem accurate when you think of "Chelsea"?
I gotta' stop taking these dumb quizzes. Clearly, I overanalyze them. ;)
Also, if I even look HALF as good by dinner time as the woman in the picture, I'm doing alright.